Wednesday 27 August 2014

Moving Out & Going To College!

Hi Guys. This is the first time I have posted in a couple of months so please forgive me if I'm a little rusty sounding! Unfortunately, my blog has had to take a back seat for a couple of months as I have been working like crazy and have had to deal with a few personal issues. But, the good news is that I'm back and I have big news! I'm moving out into my own apartment and starting college in the next few weeks! I will be studying Interior Architecture and I'm so super excited. Its been something that I have been interested in now for a few years and am so glad now that I have been given the opportunity to do this. I feel very lucky and very blessed to be able to go to college and further my education.
Since I will be having my own place, I will be documenting my journey of trying to get it furnished and putting my own spin on it, making it my own. I feel like this will be super helpful for other students with extremely small spaces to live in as I will be living in a studio apartment.
I'm moving tomorrow and will be spending the day trying to unpack, go grocery shopping and get settled in with my dog!
Anyway, I just thought I would let you guys know what is going on with my life. Interior design posts will be on the way!
Talk soon x

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